Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Amazon Affiliate

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Amazon Associates program is provided on who would build a store online with the link (link) to Amazon products. When a visitor shops online to buy something from amazon, we will get a percentage of between 4 to 10% of the price of goods.

Why Amazon? There are several reasons that make this program is to attract more people.

1. Amazon is a trusted brand. With a very good security, people do not hesitate to shop and spent money in the Amazon.
2. Commission. Results commission sales lumayan be calculated.
3. Easily applied. Plugins and tools very easily applied in the web / blog, even though for common people.

4. Payment is easy. When you do not have a device such as paypal transactions for cash sales commission of, the fee we earn can be exchanged in the form of a amazon gift card that can be used to purchase goods at amazon.
5. Booming Vacation time. October and november is surganya traders make the virtual world, because that's been the United States spend a lot of time to shop until the Christmas holidays in December. Trust akan Internet traffic jumped sharply until the end of the year.

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